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High Five Friday Feature: Julie Simmons

Deondra Wardelle

Hi Friends,

During April, I recognized Kata coaches who practice the Improvement/Coaching Kata and are making a BIG difference one experiment, one step, one microlearning, one day at a time!

Please join me in celebrating the two-time #HighFiveFriday feature: Julie Simmons!

Julie currently works with her husband Scott as part of the Scott Wade Simmons & Associates, LLC. She provides leadership coaching and training in Strategy Development and Deployment, Leadership Development, and the Improvement Kata & Coaching Kata. Julie’s passion and gift are helping others to solve complex challenges in their organizations using scientific thinking.

I have always admired Julie’s work from a distance and am thankful for the recent opportunities to interact with her during KataCon7, Kata School Cascadia, and Kata Con Europe.

Julie and Gemma Jones facilitated an Online Kata Experience class as part of Dojo day at KataCon Europe. During the simulation, participants had a “hands-on” experience learning and practicing the four steps of the Improvement Kata in a virtual environment.

I am incredibly grateful to Julie and Gemma for extending me an invite to serve as one of the four coaches during the online experience. Julie's training content for the simulation was rich! Participants who were Kata Curious (someone interested in learning more about the Toyota Kata) or a Kata Geek (learners and coaches who are continuously learning and developing the practice of the Improvement and Coaching Kata) left the session with numerous tiny bursts of new knowledge. [see image below, photo credit: Gemma Jones]

A common #KataMicrolearning that many shared was Julie’s extraordinary explanation of establishing the Target Condition. The Target is more than a number and is comprised of three elements:

  1. The date to achieve the target condition/milestone.

  2. A description of the operating pattern.

  3. The outcome metric or the goal/result the improver is working to realize by developing skills, capability, and scientific thinking.

Julie openly and generously shares her knowledge and is one of the most outstanding thought leaders of our time. If you ever get an opportunity to hear her speak or participate in any of her workshops, I advise you to jump at the chance.

Let’s give Julie a gigantic high five by leaving a note of kudos in the comments. I also encourage you to connect with Julie on LinkedIn and click HERE to visit her website to learn more about Julie’s world-changing work.

She totally rocks!

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