Tilo Schwarz and I are excited to co-host the Lean Frontiers International KataCon 7, A Virtual "Pajama Pants" Summit. The summit agenda includes dynamic speakers, excellent resources and tremendous opportunities to network.
KataCon practitioners are curious and love to ask at least five questions!
Leading up to the conference, Tilo interviewed one of the KataCon7 speakers, Dr. Jeffrey Liker. Dr. Liker is the author of The Toyota Way, 2nd edition. In the interview, Dr. Liker uses the Toyota Kata to answer a thought-provoking question, "do scientists have emotions?" Please watch the short video, then share your response to Tilo's question in the comments.
The Lean Frontiers team, Tilo and I have been working behind the scenes to ensure the first virtual KataCon will be a memorable experience for the presenters and the participants. We look forward to seeing you, answering your questions and learning with you at KataCon7!