One of the highlights of 2020, included being a guest on Episode 23 of Mark Graban's and Jaime Flinchbaugh's Lean Whiskey Podcast.
During what seemed like a 15-minute chat, I was blessed with the opportunity to talk about a few of my favorite things with two of my favorite people in the Lean community. The majority of our conversation consisted of us talking about the Toyota Kata and how the steps of the Improvement/Coaching Kata can help the learner and the coach build new skills.
I invite you to take a listen. Learn and laugh with'll be so glad you did!
Cheers and Happy Holidays!

Show Notes and Links from the podcast on
Our guest Deondra Wardelle...that's me! ;-)
Deondra's kata presentation for Lean Frontiers
Deondra's upcoming Lean Frontiers webinar: Strategic Planning Workshop 2021: Planning Through a Continuous Improvement Lens, Thursday, 1/21, 12 noon EST
Complimentary Webinar: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Webinar, “The Lean Journey to Equity for All” - details & registration link forthcoming at
Mark's tribute to Norm Bodek who recently passed away
Lexington Brewing's Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Peppermint Porter
Deondra's Brough Brothers bourbon from Louisville, KY
The LEI article on kata (“Improve Continuously by Mastering the Lean Kata”)
Learning to Lead, Leading to Learn book mentioned on Isao Yashino
Henri Poincare quote on intuition
Mark's 2011 April Fool's Joke (the A3 “app”)